
Veggie Stir-Fry

Good morning everyone. I wanted to share with you this stir-fry. I made it on accident (I wanted to try a detox I had read about and on the first day it’s pretty much just veggies. It said that I could use balsamic to flavor them so I figured the Ponzu sauce would be okay because it had less carbs- don’t worry I was absolutely wrong.. it does have less carbs but way more sodium than I was supposed to have so needless to say I am  restarting the detox tomorrow. On a good note I loved how this stir-fry tasted so I will definitely be making it again.

1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 zucchini
1 small onion
8 oz. baby bella mushrooms
1/4 cup Kikkoman Ponzu w/lime
2 tbs Mild Mustard with Herbs (I used Deutsche)
olive oil spray

1. cut up all of the veggies any way you want. I cut mine fajita style.
2. spray a skillet with olive oil and throw in all of the veggies (on medium)
3. mix the ponzu sauce and mustard, then add to the veggies.
4. as it’s cooking the sauce will thicken- turn a little lower, cover and let cook for about 10-15 minutes or until the veggies are tender.
5. other spices like garlic, black pepper, etc. are optional.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I really like that kind of recipe specially if I pair my stir fried chicken on it. I can eat a lot when I have those dishes on my table. Thanks for sharing this recipe here.

  2. Pairing it will chicken sounds perfect…I'm glad that you liked it. 🙂

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