
Curried Chicken with Spiced Cauliflower

Hey all, 

So I’ve been a little overwhelmed with life.. I sometimes get in these kicks focusing on everything and everyone else where I get so stressed out and forget to breathe.. finally today I decided that I was going to take a break.. breathe and get into relaxation mode.. this for me happens in the kitchen.. I love to zone out and cook.. J’s mom took me to a spice store  a few days ago here in Columbus and I bought some spices that I wanted to try. I normally am not a fan of curry but I saw a recipe that sounded pretty good.. here is my clean version to the one I saw. Hope you all enjoy 🙂

Happy Face On: 

Curried Chicken

6 chicken breasts
2 tbs coconut oil
1 onion (chopped)
2 cloves garlic or minced garlic works too
2 tbs curry powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 cup coconut milk 
1/2 cup chicken broth (I use organic free range-Costco)
1/2 cup dried apricots (optional)

1. preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
2. Heat coconut oil in a large pan over medium: add onion and garlic and cook for about 5 minutes.
3. Add curry powder and black pepper and stir.
4. Add coconut milk and chicken broth and let it begin to simmer (stir 3-4 minutes until it begins to thicken) then add the apricots.
5. Place the chicken breast in a 9 by 13 pan and pour the sauce over the chicken (stir to make sure it’s all coated).
6. Bake for around 45 minutes according to the strength of your oven. Serve with Rice & Cauliflower (below)

Spiced Cauliflower 

1 medium cauliflower cut into smaller pieces
3 tbs coconut oil (melted)
1 tbs fennel seed
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp minced white onion
1 tsp black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. combine spices, garlic and onion in a large bowl
3. coat cauliflower with coconut oil and then add to bowl and mix well. 
4. place mixture onto a cookie sheet and roast about 15 minutes or until the cauliflower is slightly browned on the edges and soft. 

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