Breakfast on the Go

Breakfast on the Go

I was in a hurry for a meeting this morning and this totally hit the spot.. so yummy & fast!Banana Peanut Butter Cup• 1½ teaspoons peanut butter (no added sugar)• 1/2 banana (small) – frozen is best• 1 tablespoon flaxseed (ground) – optional• 4 ice cubes• 8 oz. (1 cup) …

Chocolate Mousse or Froyo

Chocolate Mousse or Froyo

So I got a little creative last night and mixed some random ingredients together to come up with this chocolaty concoction.. super easy and delicious 🙂 1 cup Greek Yogurt  1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 tsp chocolate caramel seasoning (Kernel’s) 1 tsp caramel syrup (sugar free) -purchased at Walmart …

Oats & Abs & another circuit workout

Oats & Abs & another circuit workout

Oatmeal is what’s for breakfast.. this and eggs I could eat all day, everyday. Today was just simple oats with blueberries and a little caramel davinci syrup to sweeten it up.  Arm/Abs Workout:Barbell Biceps Curl (EZ curl bar): 20  Lying triceps press: 20 reps  Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 20 reps  Overhead …

Eggs and some more circuit action..

Eggs and some more circuit action..

This was my lunch today and it was soo good.. I never thought of putting avacado on eggs but decided to try it and loved it!!  Breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg.. 1 cup spinach.. a little cilantro past (Walmart has it by the salads).. 1/2 an avocado.. and some ketchup.. then I cut up a …