
A little Thursday Randomness

Happy Thursday all!

Today has just been full of running around and getting things done. The weather has gone back to snowy 🙁 and super cold.. I personally cannot wait for Spring and warmer weather! I think I might have the winter blues haha because I feel as though if the sun is not out my mood isn’t as good, but that’s just me I guess. Anyways. I ended up leaving work and stopping at a local food market (if you’re in the Columbus area, it’s in Clintonville, off of High Street). I highly recommend it! 

Here’s the link to their website to find out if there’s one near you:

They have a ton of locally grown and organic products! And if you know me, I could just shop around these types of places forever.

While there I purchased these beauties.. has anyone tried them? They are gluten free and quite yummy (as I made some for a pre-gym meal) They were on sale 2/$5 so I bought the apple cinnamon and blueberry, for variety sake.

 I have also been obsessed lately with Celestial Teas (the Nutcracker one is amazing and so good on a cold day!!) And the Green SuperFoods packets which I plan on adding into my smoothies.. I’m not sure how they taste yet but will let you know 🙂

And lastly speaking of cold days! This little munchkin does not look cold at all (haha) I’m jealous of her life! 

Have a great day everyone!! And stay warm if it’s as cold where you are as here 🙂

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